Spam Detector

Engineered a Flask application for detecting Job Scam advertisements, coupled with a comparative analysis of ML training methods.

Server Administration with Proxmox

Orchestrated server administration using Proxmox in a self-hosted environment. Executed a Distributed Denial of Service simulation for IoT devices, implemented Pi-hole as a DNS sniffing tool, and systemized home servers using Tailscale, Pi-hole, and Nextcloud.

Hospital Management System Security Assessment

Conducted a comprehensive security assessment, discovering vulnerabilities through white and black box testing of an open-source repository.

Docker Security Fixes

As part of a course curriculum for INSE6130, Developed a PyQT5 GUI application for precise security fixes on vulnerable Docker versions.

Automation Scripts for Daily Tasks

Dveloped multiple scripts to automate daily tasks like joining Google Meet, sending emails, etc. The scipt would record a series of activities and pickle them. When the file is run, it just does the task for you.

Cloudflare and Microsoft 365 Exercises

Successfully completed various exercises, including setting up Cloudflare for hosting and managing, and configuring a Microsoft 365 business account to get a better understanding of attack vectors.

Key-Value Database

Implemented a basic database that operates on key-value pairs with a focus on documentation.

VerifyCertify - Django Web App

Engineered a Django-based web app for creating verified certificates (VerifyCertify).

PyQT5 File Type Converter

A GUI project based on PyQT5 allowing you to individually and automate batch convert different file types (Word, Excel, PDF) locally without exposing sensitive data with any third-party services.

Library Management System

Project done under ArTech Innovations to develop a library management system to help transition schools to an online medium. Django based webapp.

GSM-Based Home Automation System

GSM-based Home Automation system with unlimited expandability for a wide range of device choices, controlled using a mobile phone with or without an internet connection. This project was tested using Proteus and implemented on a stripped-down version of Arduino using Atmega328P. Sim900D module was used as GSM Module.